Graffiti - art
Graffiti - Crime type
Trespassing most commonly refers to illegally entering another
individual's private property. In some states, trespassing has been
broken down into distinct types of trespassing, each of which carries
its own punishments.The first type of trespassing is illegally entering another person's property with the intent to damage the property. In many cases, individuals illegally enter property and do something to deface or damage it. A common example of this crime is graffiti and other forms of vandalism.
The second type of trespassing is illegally entering another person's property with the intent to obstruct normal business functions. This most commonly occurs at businesses, where disruptive individuals may cause problems.
The third type of trespassing is illegally entering another person's property and occupying the property without the owners' permission. These individuals may try to take over a property when the owner is not present, as is the case with squatters.
The fourth and final type of trespassing is refusing to leave a private property when asked to do so. When a property owner asks an individual to leave his or her property, that individual's invitation is considered voided, even if he or she was an invited guest on the property.
Since property ownership gives owners rights over their land, others must abide by their rules and cannot enter without permission from the owner. In many cases, trespassing is a gateway to many other crimes, as many individuals illegally enter property to commit theft, assault, and other more serious crimes.